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Park Alerts (1)

***Discover Our Parks, LLC takes no responsability in the accuracy of these alerts, which are taken directly from NPS.gov, and we provide them for informational purposes only. Please refer to NPS.gov for more information.

Petrified Forest National Park Campgrounds

Petrified Forest National Park does not currently have developed campgrounds within the park.

Backcountry camping is allowed with a backcountry permit.

More information about backcountry camping coming soon! Until then, click here for more information.

Petrified Forest National Park Campgrounds: This park does not have campgrounds or information about the campgrounds. | Arizona | Yes! We are open!


Did you know that Petrified Forest is perfect for exploration and discovery? While the park has all the wonders known for a century, there are many new adventures and discoveries to share. There are backcountry hikes into areas never open before such as Red Basin. There are new exhibits that bring the stories to life. Come rediscover Petrified Forest! | https://www.nps.gov/pefo/index.htm