Grand Canyon National Park News
Showing the last 10 news releases. Click here to visit's Grand Canyon National Park - News section for more.
Grand Canyon National Park Announces 2026 Noncommercial River Trip Lottery Period
February 1, 2025 | 10:43 am
On Saturday, February 1, 2025, the National Park Service will begin accepting applications for noncommercial river trip permits to raft the Colorado River through Grand Canyon National Park for specific launch dates within calendar year 2026.
Grand Canyon National Park Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Fee Increase for Non-Commercial River Trips
December 30, 2024 | 8:58 am
Grand Canyon National Park is seeking the public’s input on a proposed fee increase for non-commercial river trips. The proposed change would begin March 1, 2025. The existing $25 lottery application cost fee would remain the same and the flat rate per-person cost would increase from $90 to $310 for Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek and $0 to $55 for Diamond Creek to Pearce Ferry.
National Park Service Conducts Search for Missing Woman at Grand Canyon National Park
December 19, 2024 | 8:56 am
The National Park Service is actively searching for a missing person last seen at Grand Canyon National Park. On December 10, 2024, Martha Overholser, was last seen at Mather Point on the South Rim and later failed to return on a commercial bus tour. Martha Overholser, 66, is believed to have walked west from the Mather Point area, possibly towards the Bright Angel Lodge or Hermits Rest.
Fire Managers Planning for Prescribed Fire Operations on the North Rim this Week
December 9, 2024 | 12:16 pm
Fire managers at Grand Canyon National Park are preparing to conduct a prescribed burn operation on the North Rim this week, which will begin on Tuesday, December 10. These operations will help reduce hazardous fuel loads, improve forest health, and restore natural fire regimes. The burns are expected to occur over several days and will coincide with prescribed burns planned on the North Kaibab Ranger District.
Additional Water Restrictions Implemented at the South Rim-Dec. 2024
December 6, 2024 | 10:03 am
Effective immediately, the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park will begin phasing into greater water restrictions and conservation measures due to a new break in the Transcanyon Waterline. Until park staff repair the break and water in storage tanks reaches sustainable levels, the park will remain in conservation mode.
Grand Canyon National Park Initiates Water Conservation Measures—Nov. 26, 2024
November 26, 2024 | 9:51 am
Grand Canyon National Park is implementing mandatory water conservation measures for the South Rim, effective immediately. These measures are in response to a pipeline break along the North Kaibab Trail, which has impacted the park's water supply. To help conserve water, all residents, visitors, and park operations are urged to reduce water usage wherever possible, including in homes, hotel rooms, and campgrounds. These efforts are critical to maintaining water availability while still ensuring public health and safety.
Grand Canyon National Park Receives NHTSA Grant Funding from Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety
November 21, 2024 | 1:32 pm
Grand Canyon National Park (GRCA) has been awarded National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) grants through the Arizona Governor's Office of Highway Safety (AZ GOHS). This funding will enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety, speed enforcement, and Driving Under the Influence (DUI) prevention efforts within the park. The grants will support a variety of initiatives aimed at improving safety for both community members and the millions of visitors who visit the Grand Canyon each year.
Grand Canyon National Park Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Campground Fee Increase
November 14, 2024 | 9:58 am
Grand Canyon National Park is seeking the public’s input on a proposed increase for frontcountry camping fees. This increase would begin April 1, 2025. Grand Canyon National Park (GRCA) collects campground fees from visitors for overnight stays. GRCA is seeking public comment on proposed fee increases for standard tent and RV sites at Mather, Desert View and North Rim campgrounds. The current camping fees have remained unchanged for the past 20 years.
North Kaibab and North Rim Grand Canyon Fire Managers Begin Fall Prescribed Fire Operations
October 4, 2024 | 12:08 pm
Beginning October 8, National Park Service and USDA Forest Service fire managers, working together as the North Zone Interagency Fire Management Program, anticipate initiating prescribed burns on the North Kaibab Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Fire managers will be assessing weather, fuel moistures, and other conditions for opportunities to conduct burns safely and effectively into December.
Grand Canyon National Park’s North Rim to Begin Day-Use Operations on October 16, 2024
October 3, 2024 | 9:46 am
Grand Canyon National Park’s North Rim will begin day-use operations on October 16, 2024. Grand Canyon Lodge will close, and no overnight accommodations, including camping, will be available to visitors. Those exploring the North Rim on or after October 16 should plan to be self-sufficient, bringing enough food and water for the day.