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Park Alerts (6)

***Discover Our Parks, LLC takes no responsability in the accuracy of these alerts, which are taken directly from NPS.gov, and we provide them for informational purposes only. Please refer to NPS.gov for more information.

Cuyahoga Valley National Park Campgrounds

Cuyahoga Valley National Park does not currently have developed campgrounds within the park. There is also no backcountry camping allowed.

You can find other areas to stay outside the park here.

Cuyahoga Valley National Park Campgrounds: Cuyahoga Valley National Park Picnic Shelters | Ohio | Though a short distance from the urban areas of Cleveland and Akron, Cuyahoga Valley National Park seems worlds away. The park is a refuge for native plants and wildlife, and provides routes of discovery for visitors. The winding Cuyahoga River gives way to deep forests, rolling hills, and open farmlands. Walk or ride the Towpath Trail to follow the historic route of the Ohio & Erie Canal. | https://www.nps.gov/cuva/index.htm