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Arches National Park Overview

Discover a landscape of contrasting colors, land forms, and textures unlike any other. The park has over 2,000 natural stone arches, hundreds of soaring pinnacles, massive rock fins, and giant balanced rocks. This red-rock wonderland will amaze you with its formations, refresh you with its trails, and inspire you with its sunsets.

Entrance Fees

Timed Entry Ticket - $2
A timed entry ticket is required to enter the park April 3–October 3, 2022. Reservations must be made in advance online through Recreation.gov, or by phone. Reservations are not available at park entrance stations or park offices. Find more details on our website or the "Timed Entry Tickets" section of the app.
Timed Entry Ticket Fee - $2
From April 1 through October 31, 2023, visitors entering the park in a vehicle between 7 am and 4 pm will need to have already purchased a Timed Entry Ticket from Recreation.gov before reaching the park. One ticket is needed per vehicle. This fee is a Recreation.gov service charge, so it is not waived by any of the interagency passes.
Timed Entry Reservation - Park - $2
From August 28 through October 31, 2025, visitors entering the park in a vehicle between 7 am and 4 pm will need to have already purchased a Timed Entry Ticket from Recreation.gov before arriving. One ticket is needed per vehicle. This fee is a Recreation.gov service charge, so it is not waived by any of the interagency passes.
Per Person - $15
Admits one individual with no car. Typically used for bicyclists, hikers, and pedestrians. Youth 15 and under are admitted free.
Entrance - Per Person - $15
Admits one individual with no car. Typically used for bicyclists, hikers, and pedestrians. Youth 15 and under are admitted free.
Motorcycle Fee - $25
Admits a private, non-commercial motorcycle and its riders.
Entrance - Motorcycle - $25
Admits one private, non-commercial motorcycle and its riders
Private Vehicle Fee - $30
Admits one private, non-commercial vehicle (15 passenger capacity or less) and all its occupants.
Entrance - Private Vehicle - $30
Admits one private, non-commercial vehicle (15 passenger capacity or less) and all its occupants.
Southeast Utah Parks Pass - $55
Valid for one year through the month of purchase. Admits one (1) private, non-commercial vehicle or its pass holder to Arches and Canyonlands national parks, and Natural Bridges and Hovenweep national monuments.
Annual Entrance - Park - $55
Valid for one year through the month of purchase. Admits one (1) private, non-commercial vehicle or its pass holder to Arches and Canyonlands national parks, and Natural Bridges and Hovenweep national monuments.